I’ve been decorating our living room over the past few weeks (and it’s about time since we moved in almost exactly one year ago). One of the things we realized when we moved into our new home was that we really wanted to fill the walls with things that are MEANINGFUL to us. Things that we love, that tell a story, that we LOVE.
Don’t get me wrong… I have a crazy addiction to Kirkland’s Home and Home Goods like most people… but I was falling into the trap of putting up art that “matched” the space rather than putting up things that matched US.
I am almost done with my decorating (maybe), and one of the last things I did was to put up a collection of industrial/rustic shots I took a while back and have been wanting to have printed. I printed them on metallic paper (and I completely broke my rule of not framing anything printed on metallic). And I love them.
I’m a big believer in surrounding yourself with things (and people for that matter) that make you happy. It doesn’t matter what it costs, who made it, where it came from. If it makes you happy, put it up on your walls, out on a table, etc. Don’t hide it in a drawer. Don’t be afraid to display it.
Is this type of photography what you would hang in your home? Maybe… maybe not. The point is to pick what’s uniquely you. What reflects your style, your creativity, your vision. No matter what it is, just find a way to make it your own.
Embrace your artistic style and you will be rewarded everyday with little spaces around you that bring you a little bit of joy everyday.