Reframing your life passion

So, obviously I haven’t blogged for quite some time. And sadly, I’ve had three recent photo shoots and I’m ridiculously behind on my workflow. I’ve had several people inquire as to why I’ve been away so long. No, I haven’t lost my enthusiasm for photography. I haven’t decided to chuck it all for the love of motherhood. I haven’t even gotten bored with the workflow! (I know, hard to believe!).

It basically has come down to one (big) thing…. Life. My life has gotten it’s meaty vice-grip into me and it’s been tough to break free of its grasp.

I’m a team parent for Sydney’s soccer team. I’m room mom for Kendall’s Kindergarten class. I do drop-off and pick up FOUR times a day to the kids school. We’ve had family commitments, parents with health concerns, doctor’s visits, mini vacations, Swine Flu (yes, swine flu). And guess what? These are the things in the life of a mom! (well, hopefully not the swine flu because that just sucked big time).

And I’m finding that this new passion of mine became the thing that I put on the back burner in the month of September.

Right now I’m in my home state of Michigan visiting my mom who is suffering from Alzheimer’s. And while she was napping, I decided to pull out my MacBook Pro and catch up on some workflow. And something happened… I felt that same rush of excitement, that thrill of seeing what I had created…. and it made me realize that I can’t keep pushing this down on the priority list. It’s a part of who I am now. It makes me happy.

So I need to reframe this passion for photography. While I’ve been looking at it as the thing in my life that I can put off, I need to see it as something that energizes me and fuels me for the rigors of my full time job of being a mom (and a wife, and a friend, and a daughter, etc. etc. etc.).

Because don’t forget… “If Mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy”. 🙂

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