My husband and I used to live in Kalamazoo, Michigan… I know — how cool is that? Both of our girls were born in Kalamazoo, which I think is the coolest thing that they have that on their birth certificates.

While living there, we became great friends with our neighbors, The Gregers. Courtney and I were actually pregnant at the same time and had the same due date (she with Jack and me with Sydney). Before we moved back to California, they decided to move to Arizona. We still keep in touch with them and see them at least a few times per year.

Their daughter, Sydnie is one of the coolest kids you will ever meet. And recently she has become interested in getting into acting and needed some head shots. Well, Tom and Courtney flew my husband and I out to Phoenix so I could take her pictures! Very fun! And it turns out that this kid has a true gift in front of the camera… she is incredibly beautiful AND photogenic. She’s got a shining personality that comes through which is key when you want talent scouts to stop and notice you.

Just promise me one thing, Syd… don’t forget about the little people when you become big and famous! xoxoxo








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