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So, I like to swear. A lot. In fact, it’s a horrible habit that, for the most part, I’ve been able to curb since the birth of my children. That’s not to say that I didn’t spew a few choice ones during my Hellish delivery of my oldest daughter (if you were within a square […]

Vocabulary Police


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So those who know me well, know that I was born and raised in Michigan. And there is something really funny about people that were born and raised in Michigan — we think of ourselves as bad-ass. I’m not sure where it comes from. Maybe it’s the 40 below winters, having to put up with […]

I survived the 2010 Orange County Tornado!


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So, I’ve been working furiously on my portfolio site for days. It helps that I’m stuck at home with a sick kid (…and before you feel too sorry for her, it’s one of those things where she has a 100 degree fever and feels FINE, but I can’t send her to school due to those […]

my name is Jen and I’m a control freak….


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So this is the first year in like…. EVER…. that I didn’t make one single New Year’s Resolution. Not one. Not even the classic, “I’m going to start eating healthier”, or “I’m going to start exercising”…. or even better yet, the old, “I’m going to stop reading People Magazine and instead funnel that money into […]

Happy New Years!


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I wasn’t allowed to post this shoot until after Christmas, since Julie and Lu wanted to keep their pictures a surprise for their parents…. well, I should say OUR parents since Julie is my sister-in-law! And their adorable kids, Christian and Mya are my awesome nephew and niece. We took the shots at the beach […]

The Romeros


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