Happy New Years!

So this is the first year in like…. EVER…. that I didn’t make one single New Year’s Resolution. Not one. Not even the classic, “I’m going to start eating healthier”, or “I’m going to start exercising”…. or even better yet, the old, “I’m going to stop reading People Magazine and instead funnel that money into my own charity for Facebook addicts.” I know, I know… so many ideas, so little time.

It’s not like I don’t GET the whole resolution thing, I DO. I used to be the PRESIDENT of New Year’s Resolutions. I kept a notebook full of them. Because after all, what’s a New Year without some introspection and self-analysis, am I right?

It got to the point where my husband and I would literally come up with a THEME for the new year (well, it was more ME coming up with the idea and my husband nodding his head in agreement while eating a meatball sub and watching football on New Years day). So a few years back, we declared it to be “The Year of Perspective”. Essentially it would be the year where we didn’t take our blessings for granted… we would live everyday like it was our last, enjoy our loved ones, dote on each other, appreciate our children, and have crystal-clear clarity at all times as to what was important in life. I know, WOW, right?

Fast forward to the NEXT New Year’s day… same meatball sub, same football game and me once again declaring it The Year of Perspective, Rev. 1. I figured it was like Windows…. no one gets it right the first time.

I think we officially gave up on The Year of Perspective last year (which by then was at about Rev. 4.2). And last year’s theme I believe was The Year of Organization, which of course I could verify if I could find my damn notebook.

So this year, no themes, no resolutions. That’s right people…. I… AM… WINGING… IT. That might give those with a weaker constitution some trepidation as to where the year is headed. Not me. I am moving straight into 2010 without any expectations. And my positive spin on that, of course, is that by doing so I am liberating myself and opening my life up a world of possibilities…. and maybe by doing so, I will not end up being bogged down by resolutions and expectations and I will just NATURALLY maintain perspective on what’s important in life?

Yeah, I know…. not a chance.

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