Fall has always been my favorite time of the year. Growing up in Michigan, Fall felt magical. The weather was my favorite kind – the heat and humidity are gone and the air turns crisp. You start to wear boots and sweaters and there’s the anticipation that the holidays are right around the corner.
Here in Southern California, Fall is quite different. We start to really get the heat. It usually means 100 degree weather, dry air and Santa Ana winds. This past week we had above 100 degree weather here – not exactly the hot cider-drinking, boot-wearing, pumpkin-carving kind of weather I love.
But Fall still remains my favorite season because, since I became I professional photographer, it means I’m now getting into my busiest season. I get to see all my wonderful clients again, see how their kids have grown, to capture their excitement as the holidays approach.
My own family photos usually get pushed to the very last minute because of the craziness of my work schedule. Last year was no different. I think I literally waited until the very last possible week to finally get my family to (begrudgingly) get our photos taken (yes, even my own family moans and groans when it’s time for them to be in some pictures). I didn’t even get around to blogging my own pictures!
Because of the craziness of the season, I decided I would take our own photos last year. I have a nifty remote trigger that works quite well when I am in front of the camera instead of behind it. The biggest bummer with using that, though, is that I can’t interact with my kids to get them to genuinely smile and be themselves.
But last year my awesome friend Nicki offered to come and help me at my session. How cool is that? After I set up the camera on the tripod and got the focus and settings that I wanted, I took a seat with my family and Nicki pressed the button and got the shot. And while doing it, she made us all laugh. The good kind of laughing that is perfect for pictures (you rock Nicki!).
After getting the family shots out of the way, I then took a few shots of my kids alone and with my my husband. And they usually make me work harder than most of my clients do!
And at the end of the day I got some pretty awesome shots – and a few of them including me. 🙂
So to all my former (and new) clients… I can’t wait to see you this year!