Team Ashley Auction – Lil Blue Boo and her fight with cancer….

You’ve probably heard of Ashley, a.k.a. Lil Blue Boo, and her awesome shop and blog. She is a beautiful wife, mother, businesswoman, daughter, friend who is in the fight of her life right now against cancer.

There is so much that is incredible about Ashley, but what really touched me was her strength, courage and humor in her approach to fighting her cancer. I read her posts about chemo, the love she has for her daughter, husband, mother… and I’m in awe of her LOVE of life in the face of such hardship.

Her mantra is “CHOOSE JOY”. Simple, right? But if you really embrace that mantra, it’s telling you that JOY IS A CHOICE. It’s telling you that it’s time to stop waiting for joy to catch up to you, to surprise you, to happen TO you. What it means is choose it TODAY. Because as Ashley has shown, today is a gift… tomorrow is unknown. Life is precious. Embrace what you have, live it, feel it, and CHOOSE to find joy in it. It really is such a beautiful concept isn’t it?

To help Ashley in her fight, her friends created Team Ashley to lend her their support. And one of the things that came out of it was the Team Ashley auction. I’m one of the vendors who donated to this worthy cause.

So can you help?

Go to the Team Ashley auction today…. look at the tons of awesome items being offered… and place a bid. Anything you can do will go directly towards helping Ashley.

Here are the links:

Team Ashley Auction

My Auction Page

Lil Blue Boo Website (click specifically on the “cancer chronicles” for more information about Ashley’s condition).


And don’t forget…. CHOOSE JOY!

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