With summer coming, I’m dreaming of days filled with leisure and lounging (I know, I’m totally kidding myself). And of course with all of this newfound time on my hands, I thought… how cool would it be to do a daily post? Even better, a cool, themed post? Even WAY better, a themed post that uses clever alliterations in the titles? (I can’t think of anything cooler than that, so I’ll stop there).
Me <——— Geek
Now, as fun as it would be for me to post daily, I would LOVE participation from you all. These posts will mostly be on my Facebook fan page, so if you’re not already a fan, head over there right now and click that little “LIKE” button and become one! (you don’t want to miss all the fun, do you?). Here’s the link….
Did you do it? Good. 🙂
So my daily posts will look something like this:
Monday = Macro Monday…… This will be all about macro photography (which I LOVE). It will either have tips, shots I admire, a favorite shot I love, OR.. a shot from YOU! (exciting, right?).
Tuesday = Tips Tuesday.… This will be general tips on taking better pictures, things I’ve learned along the way, etc. If you have a question, submit it and I will answer it.
Wednesday = Wordless Wednesday... A shot that needs no explanation. This can be something I took, an image I admire from someone else, OR… again, a shot from you!
Thursday = Thought for Thursday.… A lovely post which just may involve me rambling about something… but it will be good I promise. 🙂
Friday = Fix it Friday…. Do you have a shot that you LOVE but you know it could be better? Or do you have an image that needs work? Submit it to me and I can feature it in my post!
I hope you’re as excited as I am. 🙂
Now my disclaimer: There is no way in H-E-DOUBLE-HOCKEY-STICKS that I will be able to post every day. I mean, that’s just crazy talk, right? Who does that, anyways? But I promise to try to post more than I don’t post. How’s that?
So here’s your homework:
1) Think of your questions for the Tips Tuesdays
2) Get your images in need of fixing for Fix it Fridays
3) Get over to my Facebook page like you promised!