So, last night my oldest daughter, Sydney, asked me if I loved her more than my camera…
Under normal circumstances I would play amateur psychologist and start analyzing whether or not I was neglecting her. I mean, she is happy, healthy, fed on a regular basis, gets a good night’s sleep, is kept entertained by me… I even let her have ice cream once in a while. So I realized that this had much to do with the fact that we spent the entire day at the beach with her cousins — she was exhausted. So I kissed her, snuggled with her and reassured her that “No, my love… Mama does NOT love her camera more than you.”
This “balance” thing is either going to kill me or…. well, actually I think it’s just going to kill me… 🙂 I must note that in her 7 1/2 years she has never once asked my husband, “Daddy, do you love your job more than me?”… It’s interesting when I think of the expectations that I have set up for her — that I am 100% devoted to her and her sister — and ONLY to her and her sister. I do hope in time she will look back on this and recognize that it was all about her mom following her dreams. Her mom, who not only loves her more than her camera, but loves her more than anything else in the world.
P.S. Drew Bittel has a post about me and our recent shoot together (thanks Drew!). Check it out here –