So this whole blog thing is kind of a crack-up… Over the course of a couple of weeks, I have checked out probably 50 different blogs ranging from “nice and sweet” to “I’m pissed as hell and I’m gonna tell you about it!”. Since I’m new to this world of blogging, I was wondering…. are there “blog expectations”? Do readers come to your blog because they know you’re ‘sweet’ or ‘pissed’, etc? And, if that’s the case, what will this blog be? I mean, honestly — I can go from sweet to pissed in under a minute…
I’m realizing that this whole rush into the social media arena presents quite the dilemma sometimes. Just how much of yourself do you want to share with total strangers? Well… actually, who am I kidding. The only person reading this is my mother-in-law who would still think it was the coolest blog even if I just talked about Obama’s health care reform (hi Amy!). But for any of you, other than Amy, that stumble upon this blog while searching for Don Imus, I can promise you two things… 1) this blog WILL someday have a theme once I figure it out, and 2) you are only asking for heartache if you keep googling Don Imus… he’s just wierd.
On the photography front, I entered a picture of my daughter, Kendall, in a photography contest sponsored by O.C. Family Magazine. While it wasn’t chosen to run in the magazine, it was chosen to run on their website! Here’s the link… Also, I have five family portrait sessions now scheduled, so stay tuned to see some more of my work…
I really do think this is the coolest thing ever! Finding your way with the camera, the blog, and with personal change is exciting. It has to translate to empathic and lively visions for photographs that can capture the multiple “faces” of people.
I really do think this is the coolest thing ever! Finding your way with the camera, the blog and with personal change is exciting. It has to translate to more empathy, understanding and energetic visions in the photographs.
i LOVE this post! it’s so great and so true. love it! great writing… wahoo 5 upcoming sessions, can’t wait!!