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So as I posted earlier, when I was in Phoenix I not only took picture of Big Syd, but I also took pictures of the entire Greger family. This shoot was a bit of a challenge for me, I have to say. The park the family picked had absolutely no shade (apparently “shade” isn’t something […]

The Gregers… Part II


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My husband and I used to live in Kalamazoo, Michigan… I know — how cool is that? Both of our girls were born in Kalamazoo, which I think is the coolest thing that they have that on their birth certificates. While living there, we became great friends with our neighbors, The Gregers. Courtney and I […]

Big Syd


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My mother has been suffering from Alzheimer’s for some time now. And for some unknown reason, her cognitive function has been deteriorating at a much faster rate than what is considered normal (at least what her doctors know from the typical progression of the disease). If you know someone with Alzheimer’s, you know how truly […]

Memory Walk 2009


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So, when exactly does it happen? How do you wake up one day and BAM! You’re old? I remember being a kid and watching Prince (when he was actually JUST Prince and not “The Artist Formally Known As…” or that wacky symbol thingy)…. on MTV (when they actually played videos, for those following along), and […]

The Price of being cool


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So, I used to think it was only me that had a larger-than-life child who is a crack-up in front of the camera. Well, the more portrait sessions I have, the more I realize that there is almost one in every family! This realization brought me a sense of relief (and if I’m honest, maybe […]

The Schaffer Family


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