Shane’s Senior Session – The Camp Costa Mesa

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was 100% convinced I was going to have a boy. Even after Sydney was born it took me weeks to reconcile that I had a daughter – I was THAT convinced. Then with my second, I was again 100% sure. And Kendall came along and I was again proven wrong.

Our two girls completed our family. I love being the mom of daughters. And they’re pretty amazing kids. But I have always been curious as to what it would be like to have a son.

When we started to get to know the Swanson family, we got to know Shane. And I got to know him and grew to love him like a second mom.

My first memory of Shane was him coming to the rescue of my youngest, when she was very young and was being bullied by an older kid. Shane didn’t hesitate and took on the bully and protected Kendall. I watched as he took on this injustice that was being experienced by Kendall as his own. That was my first glimpse into what a remarkable young man he is.

Shane has a heart like no other. He is an old soul with a huge heart and an amazing capacity for love. Aside from his fantastic sense of humor, his superior athletic ability and his academic achievements, he is just an AMAZING human being. I see it every day in how he lives his life. When he has faced adversity, he has tackled it. But never losing that incredible empathy and huge capacity for kindness.

Shane is off to St. Thomas University in Minnesota in the Fall. And to say we are all going to miss him is an understatement.

This young man is destined for great things!!!

We love you Shane! xoxoxo

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