Oh how I love this family…. they are not only our closest friends but an extension of our family. Shane and Kylie are like my second set of kids and Nicki is a second mom to my two daughters.
This is the 4th year of me doing their family photos, and every year it just gets more and more fun with them. Shane & Kylie are super comfortable with me which has its pros and cons – the biggest pro is that, because they are so comfortable with me, I end up being able to capture their real personalities. The biggest con is that they’re so comfortable with me they make me work extra hard to get their attention (which, of course, I secretly love).
This family is so full of love — while editing this session I couldn’t stop smiling. Aaron and Nicki are such great parents and Shane and Kylie are really the best kids.
Another thing I love — Kylie is a beautiful and accomplished dancer and Shane is a really talented hockey player. And every year they change into their dance/hockey clothes at the end of the session. It’s such a great idea (which I really should steal for my own kids someday!).
Thanks Swanson Family!! Love you!