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Not only are the Swanson’s our closest friends, they’re also my longest running clients. They’ve been with me from the very beginning of me starting my journey as a photographer and have stuck with me. I’m so blessed to have them in my corner on this crazy journey. And if I’m adding correctly, I believe […]

Swanson Family – Newport Beach Family Photographer


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My husband and I have very vivid memories of our early family photoshoots when my two daughters were little. One year we thought it would be awesome to do our shoot on the beach. Except that we didn’t realize that our youngest, Kendall, would end up HATING the sand and instead of smiling and having […]

Munson Family – Newport Beach Family Photographer


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I love when people bring props to senior sessions. Especially when they’re meaningful props that give insight into the senior’s interests and passions. I especially love when people bring really big props. Like a horse! 🙂  I don’t know how I’ve gotten so lucky, but this is my third time shooting a session with a […]

Elizabeth’s Senior Session


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Photography is an interesting gig. Some people go into it because they need a job. Some people go into it because they have a passion for photography, capturing moments, being a part of a client’s memories… a whole host of reasons. In Orange County there is no shortage of photographers. I like to joke that […]

The WHY and the HOW


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Photographers spend a lot of time learning how to pose people. We try a lot of new things as we shoot… some work and some don’t. We read articles, we look at other photographers’ work to see what catches our eye. There are a lot of “rules”… like keep the chin down, don’t square the […]

Marissa’s Senior Session


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