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This was such a fun photo shoot! Kylie is the daughter of my good friend, Nicki. And like her mother, Kylie is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. Not only is she unbelievably photogenic, she is an absolute pro in front of the camera. She is only six, but she definitely has a […]

Kylie’s Day!


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I think I’ve spent more time in camera shops over the last six months than I did at Baby’s R Us before my daughter was born (I think that place still has my picture up on their bulletin board as the “Biggest Sucker for Plastic Toys in Primary Colors”). Where I live in Orange County, there […]

The changing of the guard


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Okay… picked up the 50 1.2 today.  All I can say is…. Yay! Here’s a picture of my daughter, Kendall, in my backyard. If you look closely at her eyes you can actually see the reflection of me holding the camera…

Love my lens!


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So I FINALLY found the lens that I’ve been trying to find for weeks… the Canon 50mm 1.2. Those of you familiar with photography know how frickin’ expensive this lens is. And Canon has been offering a $100 rebate on it so it is sold out everywhere. I tracked down what has to be the […]

Putting a price on your dreams…


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So this whole blog thing is kind of a crack-up… Over the course of a couple of weeks, I have checked out probably 50 different blogs ranging from “nice and sweet” to “I’m pissed as hell and I’m gonna tell you about it!”.  Since I’m new to this world of blogging, I was wondering…. are […]

Am I sweet or am I pissed?


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